Friday, July 4, 2014

IGNOU Student Handbook and Prospectus of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programme for January 2015 session (OPENNET - IV) 2014-2015

The preparation and launching of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing degree programme has been agreed upon by
IGNOU, at the request of Indian Nursing Council. The need for this was felt as the current pace of providing
higher education to working nurses is very slow due to shortage of Colleges of Nursing and paucity of seats
available in each. As per the New National Policy of Education, the emphasis is on the need for making higher education available within the reach of all. Launching of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme through Open University will meet its objectives. Further, it will also contribute towards the growth of nursing profession, promote Nation’s idea of accelerating women’s education and uplifting the expanded and extended role of the nursing personnel. The development of this programme has been undertaken with the involvement of nursing experts, scientists and educationists from related disciplines all over the country.

Programme Objectives

The main objectives of the programme are as follows:
  •  Provide opportunity to a large segment of in-service nurses to upgrade their knowledge and skills to respond to the changing health needs of the society.
  • Motivate nurses to maintain clinical competence to provide quality care.
  •  Develop teaching, administration and research skills.
  • Promote personal and professional growth for better opportunities.

Programme Structure

The University follows the credit system for its various Degree programmes. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. Thus a four credit course involves 120 study hours and an eight credit course involves 240 study hours. To complete the Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme successfully, student will have to earn 108 credits over a period of 3 to 5 years depending on her/his convenience.

The Post Basic Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a three year Degree programme. This course has two
major components: theory and practicals. It is divided into 22 courses; 11 theory and 11 practical.

1) Theory Courses     :         40 Credits
    First Year              :         18
    Second Year         :         10
    Third Year            :         12

2) Practical Courses  :        68 Credits
    First Year             :        18
    Second Year        :        26
    Third Year           :        24

For the complete prospectus and information for B.Sc Nursing Programme, please Click Here 

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