Saturday, June 15, 2013

IGNOU BCA MCA ProJect Viva Questions Collection

IGNOU BCA MCA Viva questions

Here is collection of viva questions which were asked, prepare yourself and rock the Viva. All the best.
Student 1
one another thing i wanna share,the questions they were asked from my frnds
may be help u
1. what is try catch
2. which model u hv used in ur project
3. do u think water fall model exists now a days
4.they can ask abt coding part also
6.testing of ur project
7. wat is normalization
8. all d form of normalization
9. what is data consistency
10.explain ER,DFD of ur project
What is Data Dictionary.
Explain Testing and its methods.
What is Normalizations and its levels.
What is Code Efficiency.
What is Robustness.
Explain any Cost Estimation Model like COCOMO and what are their inputs.
Explain some SQL Queries.
Some Part of Coding.
1. What is ur name?
2. where u work?
3. what functionality u provide?
About project title -describe ur project title
Information system -define ur system and its working
Testing strategy .
He asked me tell the steps to register a host or domain for ur website .
He also asked how much u paid for this hosting facility .
He asked everyone one to tell about ur conclusion after doing this project —project conclusion .
He asked draw backs of system and future scope
1. tel me about your project
2. how u make connection
3.what is foreign key.. can its value be null??
4.describe entity relationship diagram and the symbols used in it
I went in said Good morning , she immediately reconed me and said I saw you in practical exams,
1.She asked me to expalin my project .
I explained with full confidence.
After 7 mts she asked
2.why you preferred ORACLE for for your project.
I said All our company applications developed using ORACLE and we have developer as well as user LICENSE for ORACLE.
She asked can you prevent your data from other users.
I said we grant the permission to other user only for fields which requires by them to give input or update.
And she asked
4.who are all your customers benefitted by your project .
In my project viva following things were asked
=> how to create db connection
=> explain your project
=> functionality and flow of project
=> How was testing done give some scenario
=> how was project implemented.
Student -8
- describe the project. asked some questions about the reports generated.
- what is DFD? Draw 0 and 1st level DFD.
- can u see the entities and attributes in DFD.
- what are entities? types of entities? set entitiy?
(well I forgot about set entity)
- why didnot I use EJB? I replied I don’t have all the concepts clear in case of EJBs. I know one should not give answer like this but my mind got totally blank.
- wite syntax for connection setup.
- what is active-x control(didn’t do full justice with this one).
- difference between servlet class, normal java class and container class.
- which testing technique have you used? what is white box testing? which technique under white box testing?
- which case tool I have used for testing? this question doomed me. because I had not used any specific case tool.
Some questions are:1) No:of modules and their names
2) SRS
3) Explanation abt the tables used in my project
4) the flow of data with respect to one of the module and its corresponding tables
5) ER diagram explanation
6) also to write a select query and explain the data flow regarding the table and the form.
i cud recall only these!!sme other qstns wer der. but cudnt recall much!!! For those who did online related projects, were asked to explain about hosting.
1.About E-R diagram
2.Database related questions (quite a few)
- What is rule0 ?
-How many are Codd rules?
-Mention them?
-Who is father of RDBMS?
-Difference between SQL SErver and ORacle database?
-Changes to be made to online website to increase its customer base to a large extent?
3.Drawing 0 level DFD ?
4.Features of ?
5.Data – Dictionary validation constraints?
6.Testing Concepts?
7.Black and white testing?
8.Coding of simple textbox with buttons and its methods and properties?
1. what technology have you used for the project
2. what is normalization and at what level have you normalized your database for the project.
3. difference between pert chart and gantt chart
4. how many types of inheritence available in java and how to implement multiple inheritence in java
5. what is integrity constraint.
6. what model have you used to create the project.
7. type of jdbc drivers and what advantages jdbc have over odbc driver.
8. what is cardinality.
9. what features you can add in your project in future ?
10. have you made this project yourself ?
1. What is DFD ?
2. What to connect to the database ?
3. What is security features ?
1.    Explain about your project? …..I explained about 5 min..spoke about the technology used and modules in project.
2.    What is namespace?….I used language C# so I explained.
3.    Explain LINQ query?
4.    Show the database tables?
5.    What is foreign key?
6.    How did you use those?
7.    Did u prepare it alone?
8.    Why did you choose ASP.NET instead if Java?
1.    what technology have you used for the project
2. what is normalization and at what level have you normalized your database for the project.
3. difference between pert chart and gantt chart
5. what is integrity constraint.
6. what model have you used to create the project.
7. type of jdbc drivers and what advantages jdbc have over odbc driver.
8. what is cardinality.
9. what features you can add in your project in future ?
10. have you made this project yourself ?
First, as usual, explain about your project.
How many categories are there in your forum?
Next, how the security aspect was taken care of.
What is normalization? Explain with example. (i explained in context of my own project)
Which language was used to develop the project?
1.About E-R diagram
2.Database related questions (quite a few)
- What is rule0 ?
-How many are Codd rules?
-Mention them?
-Who is father of RDBMS?
-Difference between SQL SErver and ORacle database?
-Changes to be made to online website to increase its customer base to a large extent?
3.Drawing 0 level DFD ?
5.Data – Dictionary validation constraints?
6.Testing Concepts?
7.Black and white testing?
8.Coding of simple textbox with buttons and its methods and properties?
1)    No:of modules and their names
2) SRS
3) Explanation abt the tables used in my project
4) the flow of data with respect to one of the module and its corresponding tables
5) ER diagram explanation
6) also to write a select query and explain the data flow regarding the table and th
describe the project. asked some questions about the reports generated.
- what is DFD? Draw 0 and 1st level DFD.
- can u see the entities and attributes in DFD.
- what are entities? types of entities? set entitiy?
(well I forgot about set entity)
- wite syntax for connection setup.
- what is active-x control(didn’t do full justice with this one).
- difference between servlet class, normal java class and container class.
- which testing technique have you used? what is white box testing? which technique under white box testing?
- which case tool I have used for testing?
> how to create db connection
=> explain your project
=> functionality and flow of project
=> How was testing done give some scenario
=> how was project implemented.
1.    what is try catch
2. which model u hv used in ur project
3. do u think water fall model exists now a days
4.they can ask abt coding part also
6.testing of ur project
7. wat is normalization
8. all d form of normalization
9. what is data consistency
10.explain ER,DFD of ur project
primary key, foreign key and normalization, abbreviation of URL and how many bits are using…?
1. tel me about your project
2. how u make connection
3.what is foreign key.. can its value be null??
4.describe entity relationship diagram and the symbols used in it
diff between gannt chart and pert chart
Questions were also asked about normalization (including theory), DFD, ERD, modules, security, coding (some were asked to write code or connection strings or SQL queries etc.),
-softwares flow
-test cases
-testing and its methods
-test plan
-DFD,Flowcharts and diagrams
-SQL basics like Queries, stored procedure,trigger
-draw Gant and Pert Chart
-DFD of expression (P=(A+B)/C)
-Data Dictionary.
-Normalizations and its levels
-What is Code Efficiency.
-What is Robustness?
-Explain any Cost Estimation Model like COCOMO.
-Explain some SQL Queries.
-Some Part of Coding.
-what is html, what is internet, TCP/IP etc.
-logic for any of the modules
-normal forms, up to what level is the project normalized,
-paradigm applied, DFDs, write an SQL statement etc.
-security, what is hacking, what do u understand by firewall,
-how do you set up a firewal
-protocol for file transfer over the internet and what is TCP –IP
-coding and type of versions used for different softwares
-DFD and ER
-Type and nos. of table used
-How would you handle network failures.
-connectivity failures between database and web server.
-how do u ensure that the database does not get corrupted.
-Concurrent user requests.
-diff between online and offline
-tables and their relationships with respected to the normalization was used
-sql commands regarding Joins
-How many tables were there in my project and were they sufficient?
-Were the tables normalized?
-questions on dfd, erd, srs, testing types, models etc.
-coding portion like db connectivity, security expectes, db
-design, coding & testing approach
1.    Personal questions: -
first couple of questions were about self intro and stuff
2. Explaining the project: -
the examiner asked me to explain my project
3. Questions regarding the project: -
like what are normal forms, up to what level is the project normalized, paradigm applied, DFDs, write an SQL statement etc. (Nothing in depth about the project… so after doing the whole project it sounded a bit too simple actually… being asked about the basics)
4. Questions that are distantly related to the project
like what is security, what is hacking, what do u understand by firewall, how do you set up a firewall and what does it do
5. Questions not related to the project:-
like wht is the protocol for file transfer over the internet and what is TCP –IP… wonder why those questions were asked coz my project wasn’t a web based application.
What is Data Dictionary.
Explain Testing and its methods.
What is Normalizations and its levels.
It was my experience and i also want to share my friends experience. He asked the same questions to other and some more questions such that
What is Code Efficiency.
What is Robustness.
Explain any Cost Estimation Model like COCOMO and what are their inputs.
Explain some SQL Queries.
Some Part of Coding.
Technical questions were on following
-Explanation of DFD,Flowcharts and diagrams. Some students were asked to draw it again on paper
-Explanation of coding (randomly selected) or writing again on paper
-Questions on SQL basics like Queries, stored procedure,trigger. Asked to write example
-Testing fundas. Asked to write test cases and test plan for given example
-Client – server architecture and how it is implemented in project
-If students got any suggesstions during approval , studnets were asked how they improved and implemented the suggessions

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